ProMesh User Manual  v4.3.19
Recent Changes
Recent changes:

-- VERSION 4.3

v 4.3.19
Changes and additions:
- added Selection-SubsetBased-RestrictSelectionToSubset
- added Selection-Edges-SelectSubsetEdgesByDirection
- added Selection-Edges-SelectClosestEdge
- extended the scripts dialog to support the addition/removal of multiple 
  custom user script folders.


v 4.3.18
Changes and additions:
- added Camera-FlyTo (coordinate based)
- added Selection-Volumes-SelectVolumesByType

- stl reader now ignores degenerated triangles.
- Older native version of OpenGL are now supported, even for recent Qt SDK's

v 4.3.17
Changes and additions:
- stl import now automatically removes double vertices during file load
- added quality measures for tetrahedral geometries. E.g.:
    * Subsets-AssignVolumeSubsetsByAspectRatios
    * Info-Qualities-PrintVolumeAspectRatioHistogram
- added a time out to tetgen operations (TetrahedralFill and Retetrahedralize)
- FixFaceOrientation now also considers boundary faces and orients them
  so that their normal points outwards of the geometry.
- ProMesh can now be invoked as a command line tool.
  Call 'ProMesh4 -help' for more information.

v 4.3.16
Changes and additions:
- undo/redo: massive speedup (now using binary .lgb format)
- ProMesh can now be used as a script interpreter without GUI frontend.
  Start it from command line with the -script option. Call 'ProMesh4 -help'
  for more information.
- ProjectorWidget updates on undo/redo now
- undo/redo: selection state is now restored more accurately after undo
- osx version now built against Qt 5.10. This solves some issues with
  unregistered mouse clicks in the SceneInspector.

v 4.3.15
Changes and additions:
- Added support for File-Browsers in Registry tools.
  Used e.g. in Subsets-AssignSubsetFromRaster
- Camera focus by double click now has a different behavior.
  Better suited for 2d editing.
- TETGEN import fixed for index ranges starting from 1 or higher.

v 4.3.14
Changes and additions:
- Added View-Scale to Toolbar. Allows to scale the world along the different exis
  without changing the actual coordinates.
- Added 2df file export and import


v 4.3.13
Changes and additions:
- Added Subsets-AssignSubsetsByAspectRatio
- Added Subsets-AssignSubsetsFromRaster
- Added Info-PrintFaceAspectRatios
- Added Info-PrintFaceAspectRatioHistogram
- Added SelectSubset to RClick-Menu in Scene-Inspector


v 4.3.12
Changes and additions:
- Added Remeshing-Refinement-RefineWithSnapPointsOrtho

- Fixed problems with Unicode->Ascii conversion in LiveScriptEditor

v 4.3.11
Changes and additions:
- Added tool 'Remeshing-Extrusion-ExtrudeToThickness'
- Added undo/redo logs to action-log

- Action-Log now also contains mouse 'grab' and 'scale' transformations,
  actions from the r-click menu in the SceneInspector and inputs from the
  Coordinates window.

v 4.3.10
Changes and additions:
- Added 'Selection-ExtendSelectionInDirection'
- Added 'Selection-SelectElementsByIndexRange'
- Indices of selected elements are now printed to the Action-Log
- Added a very rudimentary script editor
- Added GridGeneration-Geometries-3D-CreateTKD
- Added GridGeneration-Geometries-3D-CreateTKDWithOuterLayer

- Autoassigning accidentally unassigned elements after, e.g., TriangleFill,
  Retriangulate, AdjustEdgeLenght, Tetrahedralize, etc.


v 4.3.9
Changes and additions:
- Remeshing-Orientation-AdjustEdgeOrientation now only considers the set of
  selected faces.
- Tetgen is now used as a separate process through a file-interface
- Support for *.swc files added
- Action-Log added

v 4.3.8
Changes and additions:
- Added a separate CoordinateWidget (formerly CoordinateTransform-Coordinates)
- Added shortcuts for selection-element-type and selection-mode (keys 1-7)
- If a tool is executed but no object exists yet, a new object will be created
  automatically before the tool is applied.
- Added CoordinateTransform-Mirror
- Changed registration procedure of tools. Tools ordering is now different to
  previous versions.
- All coordinate input boxes now have a coherent design and accept text input
- New shortcuts for Collapse (Merge), SplitEdge, SwapEdge, Refine.
- Remeshing-EdgeOperations and Remeshing-Polylines are now merged into
- Renamed Remeshing-Triangulation to Remeshing-Triangles

- Background color is now stored in a different way to avoid some problems on
  some systems

v 4.3.7
Changes and additions:
- After Remeshing-PlaneCut, only new edges along the cut are selected now.
- Added ProjectToLayers and ProjectToTopLayers to the scripting backend.
- Added Selection-CoordinateRange tools

- Boolean operations now work if multiple subsets exist
- Fixed default values in tool dialogs

v 4.3.6
Changes and additions:
- Added subset based boolean operations for CSG modeling
  (Union, Intersection, Difference)
- Added 'AssignSubset' and 'AssignNewSubset' to the SceneInspectors R-Click Menu
- Preparations for different Views

- Popup question on 'EraseObject' only appears if the object has been changed.

v 4.3.5
Changes and additions:
- Speed up when visibilities are changed in the SceneInspector
  (removed undo-points here)

- Face orientation during 3d extrusion is now preserved.
- Added a warning for faces with unsupported numbers of vertices in .obj loading.

v 4.3.4
Changes and additions:
- Added 'Remeshing-Quadrilaterals-ConvertToQuadrilaterals' (shortcut: 'q')


v 4.3.3
Changes and additions:
- Adjusted draw-color of edges, so that they are always slightly different from
  the draw-color of faces.
- Fixed z-Buffer artifacts on Windows


v 4.3.2
Changes and additions:
- Internal adjustments to better support attachment serialization and
- A RasterLayersProjector can now be generated along with a layered geometry and
  used during refinement. It will also be exported to .ugx files.
- Draw Path: Instead of using CTRL one now places vertices by pressing the key 'V'
- Camera: Camera may now be moved by holding CTRL again.


v 4.3.1
Changes and additions:
- Added options-panel
- Added 'draw path' options
- Added 'undo' options
- Draw Path: by holding CTRL one can now create paths through left-clicks
- Renamed Remeshing-Extrude-Extrude to Remeshing-Extrude-ExtrudeAndMove
- Added Remeshing-Extrude-ExtrudeAndScale
- Added Selection-SelectBySplitPlane
- Added Selection-Edges-EdgesByDirection


v 4.3.0
Changes and additions:
- New interface design (dark theme).
- Refinement projectors can now be specified per subset. During refinement they
  can transform the geometry in different ways (e.g. to better approximate some
  smooth boundary description). Projectors can be applied to any subset and should
  behave correctly even for inner manifold subsets in volume geometries
  (e.g. inner boundaries).
- Current projectors:
  * Default (inserts vertices at midpoints of parent elements)
  * Sphere (with optional influence radius)
  * Cylinder (with optional influence radius)
  * Smooth (Laplacian smoothing)
  * Subdivision (Loop subdivision)
- ugx Files now support refinement projectors.
- Added 'snap-points' which are considered during refinement. They allow for
  more varied refinement schemes.


-- VERSION 4.2

v 4.2.9
Changes and additions:
- "Info-PrintSelectionInfo" now also supports selected edges.

- Fixed a crash in "Info-PrintSelectionInfo" which occurred if not at least
  2 vertices were selected.

v 4.2.8
Changes and additions:
- Improved selection speed for big grids by restricting updates to the involved
  display lists to the selection list only.


v 4.2.7
Changes and additions:
- Further improvements to subset-assignment in ExtrudeLayers. Total layer
  height at each vertex is now the deciding factor during assignment.


v 4.2.6
Changes and additions:
- Adjusted subset-assignment in ExtrudeLayers so that the longest edge is now
  deciding on the assignment.


v 4.2.5
Changes and additions:
- It is now possible to mark faces.
- Added Selection-Faces-MarkedFaces


v 4.2.4
Changes and additions:
- Added tools to buffer and to restore vertex coordinates:
  * CoordinateTransform-CoordinateBuffer-StoreVertexCoordinates
  * CoordinateTransform-CoordinateBuffer-RestoreVertexCoordinates
  Those tools are useful if one wants to alter subset-assignments but requires
  to transform the grid temporarily to do so.
- Added a tool
  * Subsets-AssignNewSubset
  which automatically chooses the subset index as #subsets

- ugx reading is now more robust regarding vertex specification.
- Fixed an issue in 'Remeshing-Polylines-SimplifyPolylines' where some vertices
  hadn't been removed even though they obviously should have been removed.

v 4.2.3
Changes and additions:
- .tex export now sorts elements before writing the output. Subset-Names are
  now used to identify styles instead of subset indices.
  An optional style-file 'custom_promesh_style.tex' is now optionally included
  by the resulting .tex file. This allows users to override the default style
  on a per-subset basis.

- *.smesh files can now be loaded through File->Open. 'smesh' is a format defined
  by 'tetgen'.

- Fixed a bug which sometimes occurred in ExtrudeLayers when 'allow for tets and pyras'
  was enabled.

v 4.2.2
Changes and additions:
- CTRL+RightMouseClick now selects the whole subset independent of the current
  selection mode.

- Undo was broken if multiple meshes were edited simultaneously. Now fixed.
- Fixed a bug which occurred in RasterLayers::remove_small_holes (win-crash)

v 4.2.1
Changes and additions:
- After extrusion only the newly created rim elements (vertices, edges, faces)
  are now selected. In order to select newly created volumes, use Selection-ExtendSelection.
- Added Info-Tool: PrintSelectionDirection
- Tool Subset-AssignSubset now allows to assign selected vertices/edges/faces/volumes only
- RasterLayers now support a separate min-height for each layer

- FileIO_ASC now reads rows in reverse order, now matching the format specifications
- Fixed false offset of imported geometry from FileIO_ASC

v 4.2.0
Changes and additions:
- Now using Qt5
- Added a doxygen based help-framework with full scripting reference
- GUI rework: New style and improved usability of number input fields and log messages
- Enhanced Selection-Edges-SmoothPath with an adjustable normal-weight
- ProMesh now asks before deleting a mesh and also before closing the application.
- New tool CoordinateTransform-SlopeSmooth
- New tool GridGeneration-Objects-NewObjectFromSelection
- New tool GridGeneration-Objects-CloneObject
- New tool Remeshing-RemoveDoubles-RemoveDoubleFaces
- New tools Remeshing-Polylines-SimplifyPolylines and -SimplifySmoothedPolylines
- New tools Remeshing-Triangulation-ReplaceLowValenceVertices and -AdjustEdgeLengthExtended
- New tool Remeshing-Tetrahedra-ConvertToTetrahedra
- New tool Selection-SelectShortPolychains
- New tools Selection-Edges/Faces/Volumes-LinkedEdges/Faces/Volumes
- New tool Selection-Faces-InterfaceFaces
- New tools Selection-Vertices-SelectionKinks and -SubsetKinks
- Added read support for binary .stl files
- Added read/write support for ascii .vtu files
- Added file-log in $HOME/.promesh/log.txt
- Added verbosity flag to Remeshing/Tetgen/Tetrahedralize
- Added Scripts-Menu, which features entries to create and edit scripts.
- Removed 'Subsets-AdjustSubsetsForUG4' since it created too many subsets.
- Improved Delaunay-Refinement by adding support for circular-shells and off-centers.

- ToolBrowser now adapts to new/changed/erased scripts nicely.
- Zoom-in can now be performed until rounding-errors are visible.
  (distance to focus point is now considered too to compute near-clipping plane)
- Fixed special cases in delaunay-triangulation and delaunay-refinement used in
  Triangulate and Retriangulate
- Subsets-CopySubsetIndicesToSides: Subsets of lower dimension are now treated
  with a higher priority than subsets with higher dimension.
- Disabled strict subset inheritance. Edges created through splits or refinement
  will now be assigned to the subset of the orignial face.
- Fixed crash in Retretrahedralize
- CollapseEdge now also supports Pyramids and Prisms (note that new volume elements
  can only be created for some of the possible collapse-constellations)
- MergeVertices now handles quadrilaterals, prisms, and pyramids more gracefully.
  As also seen in CollapseEdge, there are collapse-constellations for which it is not
  possible to create new volume elements from affected prisms and/or pyramids.

-- VERSION 4.1

v 4.1.9
Changes and additions:
- Added Selection-Volumes-SelectSlivers, which selects flat tetrahedrons.

- Export to .smesh and import from .ele (TETGEN) now preserve face subsets.
- Improved refinement rule for tetrahedrons if only 2 opposing edges are selected.

v 4.1.8
Changes and additions:
- New smoothing tools: CoordinateTransform-WeightedEdgeSmooth and -WeightedFaceSmooth
- New script tool: Smoothing-CreaseSmoothing
- Added a promesh user-data directory in $HOME/.promesh
- Undo now goes to TEMP folder, also on Windows
- Added new file menu entries: "Browse User Scripts" and "Refresh Tool Dialogs"
- Added methods for grid measurements (length, area, volume) in Info-Measurements
- Added support for automated generation of tools from ug's registry
- Added scripting support and automatic script-tool generation
- Added Selection-Faces-FacesByNormal


v 4.1.7
Changes and additions:

- Fixed Subsets-AdjustSubsetsForUG3.

v 4.1.6
Changes and additions:

- Coordinate values are now truncated during tikz/tex export.

v 4.1.5
Changes and additions:
- Added new tool "Remeshing-CreateShrinkGeometry".

- Undo now works even if multiple ProMesh instances are used simultaneously
- Fixed crash which occurred if 'GridGeneration-BasicElements-CreateFace'
  was called and a bad number of vertices was selected.
- Remeshing-ResolveSelfIntersections is even more robust now on 32bit systems.

v 4.1.4
Changes and additions:

- ResolveSelfIntersections is now more robust in regard to rounding issues when
  resolving self-intersections of coplanar triangles.

v 4.1.3
Changes and additions:
- Reworked tools in Remeshing-ResolveIntersections. It now features a new tool
  'ResolveSelfIntersections', which automates most processes. The old tools can
  be found in Remeshing-ResolveIntersections-Advanced.
  Nearly all intersection tools recieved a considerable speed-up.
  The new algorithms should be more robust.
- Added CoordinateTransform-TangentialSmooth, which prevents manifolds from shrinking
  during smoothing.
- Added Selection-SelectCreaseEdges
- Added File-Reload (shortcut F5)
- Added File-ReloadAll (shortcut Ctrl+F5)
- Added CoordinateTransform-Pivot-SetPivotToMeshCenter
- Added CoordinateTransform-MoveMeshTo


v 4.1.2
Changes and additions:
- Added Remeshing-Orientation-FixFaceSubsetOrientations which fixes face orientation
  for each subset separately.

- Subsets-AssignSubset(-1) now ignores the specified subset name (avoids unnecessary
  error message)
- Fixed bug in ExpandLayers dialog: Large subset-indices can now be entered.

v 4.1.1
Changes and additions:
- Marks can no longer be accidentially applied to faces.
- ugx now also stores subset-visibility (important for undo)
- scene-inspector-rclick-show/hide-all now works in reasonable speed.
- added a toggle-all-subset-visibilities to scene-inspector-rclick-menu
- added Subsets->CopySubsetIndicesToSides


v 4.1.0
Changes and additions:
- Vertex-Marks are visible now
- The current selection is now being stored in .ugx files, too.
- undo-files are now written to .ugx (containing the current selection)
- before undo is executed, a undo point containing the current selection is created
  (given that it changed since the last undo-point)
- The names of the subsets in the "markSH" subset-handler in the written ugx file
  were changed

- CoordinateTransform->Scale now scales around the selections center again.

-- VERSION 4.0

v 4.0.9
v 4.0.8
Changes and additions:
- Added .stl export
- Added Info-PrintLeastSquaresPlane
- Added CoordinateTransform-ProjectToPlane
- During extrude, Subsets-indices are now copied from the source-elements.

- Fixed selection rect (wasn't visible in some versions)
- Fixed Smooth-Refinement for edge geometries.
- Fixed a bug in ico-sphere generation when volume elements were present.
- Fixed a bug in Remeshing-Triangulation-TriangleFill occurred in 3d geometries
  when triangles outside the remeshing region were in a completely different
  plane than the remeshing zone itself.
- Tetrahedralization now automatically removes vertices which are not connected
  to any edge or face. This was required since tetrahedralization may not terminate
  with such vertices present and since a user may have a hard time to find them
  (or to remember to remove them).

v 4.0.7
Changes and additions:

- ProMesh no longer crashes during Remeshing->MergeVertices (introduced in 4.0.5).
- And it doesn't crash on refinement with strict subset inheritance either!

v 4.0.6
Changes and additions:
- Renamed Remeshing->QualityGridGeneration to Remeshing->Retriangulate
- Improved volume rendering speed and reduced involved memory consumption.
- Manual volume generation is now supported (GridGeneration->BasicElements->CreateVolume)

- Fixed Subsets->JoinSubsets

v 4.0.5
Changes and additions:
- Added Subsets->AssignSubsetsByElementType
- Added Remeshing->Triangulation->AdaptSurfaceToCylinder
- Added optional fill for GridGeneration->Geometries->Plane

- Remeshing->Extrusion->ExtrudeCylinders now works as expected
- GridGeneration-New Vertex/Edge/Face no longer assigns to subset -1 if no
  subset is selected.

v 4.0.4
Changes and additions:
- Added CoordinateTransform->NormalMove, which moves vertices along their normals.

- Fixed Remeshing->Refinement->RefineSmooth.
- Fixed Box-Selection: Elements behind the camera won't be selected no longer.

v 4.0.3
Changes and additions:
- CoordinateTransform->Coordinates Now monitors the center of the selection in
  real time and can also be used to translate (move) the current selection.
- GridGeneration->CreateCircle now supports a 'fill' argument.
- Remeshing->Triangulation->AdjustEdgeLength now features 'automark boundaries' flag.
- Improved error output if Remeshing->Triangulation->TriangleFill fails.
- Rearranged some tools to improve usablility of the tool browser.
- Added Subsets->JoinSubsets
- Added "append subsets at end" to Remeshing->Tetgen->Tetrahedralize.
- Improved face visualization during volume rendering.

- Fixed small bug occurring on Ubuntu, where the tool-button of a tool-group
  didn't appear checked, unless clicked twice, even though it was clicked.
- Fixed bug where geometry was transformed, when triangle-fill failed.
- Fixed volume selection bug, which appeared when face subsets were invisible.

v 4.0.2
Changes and additions:
- Now using tmp directory on unix to save .history.
- GridGeneration->CreateBox, CreateTetrahedron, CreatePyramid, CreatePrism now
  have option "create volume" disabled by default.
- Ctrl-RClick now selects all elements of the subset of the clicked element.
- Added Selection->Edges->LinkedBoundaryEdges

- Undo on most unix systems works now (resolved write permission problem)
- Fixed selection rendering bug (e.g., selected edges in subset -1 were not drawn)
- Marks are now preserved during merge-vertices.

v 4.0.1
Changes and additions:
- vertices can now also be rendered during edge, face and volume rendering.
- edges can now also be rendered during face and volume rendering.
- faces which are not adjacent to volumes are now rendered even if volumes exist.
- replaced "draw vertices, draw edges, ..." combo-box with ToolButtons. Rendering
  for vertices, edges, faces and volumes can now be activated / deactivated

- Fixed crash when 'space' was pressed.

v 4.0.0
Changes and additions:
- New vertices / edges / faces are now created in the currently selected subset,
  when created through GridGeneration->BasicElements...
- CheckBoxes are now added as a single row entry in ToolDialogs.
- Scaling of selected elements can now be performed around the objects pivot.
- A subset name can now be specified in Subsets->AssignSubset.
- Added the ProMesh License (see "Help->License")
- Extrude assigns a new subset to all newly created elements now.
- Volume constraint is now optional during remeshing.


v 4.0 alpha 2
Changes and additions:
- Added Camera->HideSelectedElements and Camera->UnhideElements.

- Fixed Remeshing->EraseSelectedElements. If, e.g., only faces were selected in,
  a volume geometry, then unused edges and vertices were not properly deleted.
- Vertices which were not rendered (e.g. due to clip-planes) are now ignored
  when click- or box-selections are performed.
- Tools->CoordinateTransform->LaplacianSmooth has more efficient default parameters now.

v 4.0 alpha 1
Changes and additions:
- Complete rework of the ToolBrowser. Now all tool-widgets are directly integrated
  into the browsers panel. Each section has a separate tab.
- Restructured tools into new sections:
  Camera GridGeneration Transform Selection Subsets Remeshing Info
- Reworked some input windows, like the matrix/vector input widget
- Selection->Faces->LinkedFlatFaces now optionally stops at selected edges.
- Text in Rename selected by default.
- Added Clear to ExpandLayers.
- When Create Plane / Sphere / ... is used, a new object will automatically be
  created, if required.

- Finally supporting umlauts and other local character representations.
- Fixed SmoothRefinement for edge-only geometries.
- Resolved click-bug on upper left cell in SceneInspector (clicks were partly ignored).

-------------------------   OLD VERSION: ProMesh 3   --------------------------

v 3.5.4
Changes and additions:
- Added GridGeneration->CreateVertex
- .ugx, .lgm and .ng format now support numbers with higher accuracy.


v 3.5.3
Changes and additions:
- Marks are now also saved to .ugx format.
- Fixed crashes when broken .obj files were loaded. An informative error message
  should now be displayed.
- ProMesh now accepts command-line arguments. One can specify arbitrary files
    separated by a space, which are then directly loaded on startup.
- Fixed .lgb import for older .lgb file versions (prior to ProMesh3.5.0)

v 3.5.2
Changes and additions:
- Added CoordinateTransform->Heightfields->ApplyHeightfield


v 3.5.1
Changes and additions:
- Improved subset assignement after extrusion
- QualityGridGeneration and TriangleFill should be more robust now.
- Mid-Mouse-Button moves the camera now.
- Added GridGeneration::CreateSphere
- Renamed some selection methods (Faces->ByCoordinate to Faces->FaceByCoordinate).
  This makes things clearer in associated dialog headers.
- Added GridGeneration->CreateSphere
- Delaunay Triangulation was applied to neighbors of selected triangles, too.
- There was an error with the automatic near and far clip-plane adjustment. Fixed now.

v 3.5.0
Changes and additions:
- Renamed Tools->Remeshing->ConstrainedDelaunay to Tools->Remeshing->QualityGridGeneration
- QualityGridGeneration now supports vertex insertion to fulfill a minimum angle criterion
- Tools->GridGeneration->TriangleFill now supports a min angle criterion

- Improved Tools->GridGeneration->TriangleFill even if quality-grid-generation is disabled.

v 3.4.2
Changes and additions:
- Renamed Tools->Optimization to Tools->Remeshing
- Added ConstrainedDelaunay remeshing.
- TriangleFill now optionally generates a constrained delaunay mesh
- Added Selection->Edges->ByCoordinate
- Added Selection->Volumes->ByCoordinate


v 3.4.1
Changes and additions:
- Added Selection->Edges->LongEdges
- Added Info->PrintVertexDistance (for all vertices touching the selection)


v 3.4.0
Changes and additions:
- No Changes. Seems to work well.


v 3.3.8
Changes and additions:
- Improved tetrahedralization:
  * Automatic subset separation,
  * Volume constraint association,
  * Retetrahedralization
- Added GeometrGeneration-Tetgen subgroup


v 3.3.7
Changes and additions:
- Added more shortcuts (see help->shortcuts)
- Introduced Marks->MarkSelection (replacing Marks->MarkSelectedVertices and ...SelectedEdges)

- Fixed fracture expansion, for fractures connected to elements with multiple boundary sides.

v 3.3.6
Changes and additions:
- Added automatic subset coloring.
- Added shortcut support for tools.
- Added tool SelectSubsetBoundary
- Added tool SelectAssociatedFaces
- Added tool CloseSelection (selects all associated elements)
- Added shortcuts file in the help-menu
- Slightly reworked AdjustSubsetsForUG4. Less subsets are generated now.

- LoadFromObj now supports tabs.

v 3.3.5
Changes and additions:

- Fixed crash in 'AdjustEdgeLength'

v 3.3.4
Changes and additions:
- Added SelectInner (Vertices, Edges, Faces)


v 3.3.3
Changes and additions:
- Added AdjustSubsetsForUG4
- Improved vertex rendering. Vertices are now rendered with the colors of their
  respective subsets. Only visible vertices are rendered in selections.
- Improved edge selection. Edges are now selected by a LineLineDistance comparision.


v 3.3.2
Changes and additions:
- ExpandLayers2d and ExpandLayers3d have been improved for the non degenerated case.
  Outer boundary segments of fractures now have the same normal as the edges and
  vertices from which they were expanded.

- Fixed axis restriction bug in scaling with shortcut 's'

v 3.3.1
Changes and additions:
- Scaling is now supported using the shortcut 's'
- shortcuts X, Y and Z now restrict the axis along which objects are transformed


v 3.3.0
Changes and additions:
- Added grab (shortcut 'g').
- Added shortcut for (de)select all (shortcut 'a')
- Objects and subsets can now be renamed through Rename in the r-click menu of scene inspector


v 3.2.40
Changes and additions:
- Added Subsets->EraseEmptySubsets
- 2d lgm number format changed to match 2d ng number format.
- Removed unnecessary error condition from tetrahedralize.
  This caused a problem if unconnected points were passed to tetgen.

v 3.2.39
Changes and additions:
- Added some selection tools (SelectSelectionBoundary, SelectMarkedELEMS).
- Improved AdjustEdgeLength (only slightly).

- Added a fix in the triangle-fill sweepline algorithm, which occured during

v 3.2.38
Changes and additions:
- Added "Optimization->Minimize Edge Length (Swaps)"
- Added "Selection->Volumes->UnorientalbeVolumes"
- Added "Selection->ELEM->Deselect All", where ELEM stands for Vertex, Edge, Face, Volume.

- Fixed a problem in Tetrahedralize (tetgen unexpectedley moved points).

v 3.2.37
Changes and additions:

- Fixed problems in TriangleFill (SweepLine). The algorithm failed on some geometries.
  Seems to work now.

v 3.2.36
Changes and additions:
- Added new algorithms to CoordinateTransform: Transform and ConeTransform.
- ToolDialog now supports input masks for matrices and vectors.
- Added GridGeneration->CreateCircle


v 3.2.35

Changes and additions:
- Added some improved coordinate tool dialogs where appropriate.
- Removed the old TriangleFill. TriangleFill now executes TriangleFill_SweepLine.
- Removed Info->PrintSelfIntersections (use Selection->Faces->IntersectingTriangles instead)


v 3.2.34

Changes and additions:
- Added Selection->SelectIntersectingTriangles
- Added MergeVertices
- Moved CreateFace to GridGeneration


v 3.2.33

Changes and additions:

- Resolved bug in "Expand Layers 3d".

v 3.2.32

Changes and additions:
- Added support for 2d lgm file import.
- AdjustSubsetsForUG3 now removes line-loops for 2d geometries.


v 3.2.31

Changes and additions:

- Fixed a bug in TriangleFill_SweepLine: When searching for the left edge a special
  case was not handled correctly.

v 3.2.30

Changes and additions:

- fixed bug when erasing subsets.

v 3.2.29

Changes and additions:
- Hanging node refinement now uses a hanging node dependency order of 1.
- Adaptive tetrahedron refinement added.

- AdjustEdgeLength now works again (broken during introduction of attachment-lists)
- Fixed bug when deleting vertices (recently introduced, too)

v 3.2.28

Changes and additions:
- Performance improvements to grid-connection-managment.
- Added "strict subset inheritance" option to refine methods.


v 3.2.27

Changes and additions:
- Renamed Tools->Fractures to Tools->Layers.
- Tools->Layers->ExpandLayers... now has an additional option "Expand Outer Boundaries".
  This option controls, whether boundaries of layers, which lie on the geometries boundary,
  shall be extended.


v 3.2.26

Changes and additions:

- Fixed bug during tetrahedralization (this bug occured in tetgen. Fixed it by
  compiling tetgen with -O2 instead of -O3).

v 3.2.25

Changes and additions:
- Added Selection->Edges->EdgeSelectionFill
- Added Selection->Faces->FaceSelectionFill
- Added Selection->Volumes->VolumeSelectionFill


v 3.2.24

Changes and additions:
- 2d .ng import is now supported.


v 3.2.23

Changes and additions:
- Extended SelectLinkedFlatFaces. Degenerated and flipped vertices can now be traversed.
- Added Info->PrintSelectionInfo, which gives an overview over selected elements
- Added Info->PrintSelectionContainingSubsets, which prints a list of all subsets which
  contain selected elements.
- Updated tetgen to its latest version.
- Enhanced the tetrahedralize dialog (min dihedral angle, preserve none, preserve bnds, peserve all)

- tetgen errors are now redirected to the log-window (missing in some of the previous versions.

v 3.2.22

Changes and additions:
- Added Selection->Vertices->UnconnectedVertices, which allows to select vertices
  which are not connected to other elements.
- Added Subsets->Separation->SeparateDegeneratedBoundaryFaceSubsets, which can be 
  applied after AdjustSubsetsToUG3 in order to separate subsets consisting of
  degnerated boundary faces.

- Fixed a bug in ExportToUG3 which could cause a crash.

v 3.2.21

Changes and additions:
- Added right-click menu to scene-inspector, introducing
    * Show all subsets
    * Hide all subsets
    * Print subset contents
- Enhanced AdjustSubsetsForLgmNg: lgm-Surfaces are now assured to be manifolds.
- Added Subsets->Separate->SeparateIrregularManifolds.
- Number input now works with '.' instead of ','


v 3.2.20

Changes and additions:
- Two kinds of box-selection are now supported:
  1: All elements that cut the box.
  2: Only elements that lie completely in the box.
- Added icons for selection mode in the main toolbar.
- ExpandFractures: Subsets adjacent to expanded fractures are now better preserved.
- ExpandFractures: The specified width now relates directly to the width of the fracture.

- Fixed a bug where some edges after a split may not have been properly selected.
- ExpandFractures: Normals are normalized again before using them to offset new fracture vertices.

v 3.2.19

Changes and additions:
- Files can now be opened by dragging them on the ProMesh symbol or by double
  clicking them (At least on MacOSX).
- Added "recent changes" file.
- ExpandFractures2D/3D now expand fractures at the geometries boundary.
- ExpandFractures2D/3D now support special "neumann boundaries" for degenerated elements.
- Selecting an element with click-select now automatically selects the associated
  subset in the SceneInspector.
- Added a pivot to Objects and reworked Move, Scale and Rotate accordingly.
- AdjustSubsetsForUG3 now optionally removes all initially existing interface subsets.

- Fixed bug with jumping list in SceneInspector when visibility was changed.